Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
37 Week Update: Shingles Getting Better, GBS Positive, Snapping Noise, Stimulating Labor, and General Life Update.
Ok, so not exactly on time as I expected to be… but still a
37 week post is being made and it is not super late that I am combing it with
other weeks. IMPROVEMENT! Sad part is I
wrote most of the post on Thursday and was hoping this would be posted on Thursday.
Then it got late and I got tired and never got to it. And here I am being a
week late again. Grr.
Anyway, let’s see… ( what really sucks about being late that
around midweek I already forget what the heck happened last week… I feel like
an old lady or something.)
I weighed myself in the beginning of the week and I was 175.
But I have to say my weight has been jumping from day to day. Seriously, I
weighed myself 5 days ago I was 175, Wednesday I was 177.6, Thursday morning I
was 176, and later in the day I was 178.8. I have no idea… I guess it depends
on what and how much I have eaten and drank before stepping on the scale…
whether or not I pooped recently probably also plays a role. SORRY TMI AGAIN :)
Ok, so last week… wow… I really don’t remember anything.
Okay, well we moved on Memorial Day, so our days have been basically filled
with us unpacking things and trying to get our apartment looking like a home. I
think one of my hubby’s biggest pet peeves is having boxes laying around, he is
really anal about that. He needs to get everything done. And I think only
thanks to him we probably have only one more box to go through for the
bathroom, one for the kitchen and a bag of clothes to go through ( which mainly
will be going to salvation army I am thinking.) So we are doing very well! I
remember when I moved into my very first apartment from my small college dorm
room, not having that much stuff- boxes were unpacked for months. There’s the
difference between me and hubby I guess. But overall I am very happy with our
apartment. It’s half a house with washer and dryer in the apartment- which is
AMAZING. And we have no neighbors for now which I am loving as well. :)
It was also Zhenya’s birthday last week. 30 years old! It
has really been getting to him that he is that old now… he feels like he is a
grandpa now :) On the bright side, he definitely does not look 30, and even
when I was under 21 and he would order drinks for me in restaurants people
would always be shocked by his age. So, I am lucky to have such a hot young Russian
looking husband ;)
We went to Applebee’s for his birthday, with our friend
Arseniy. Then, when we got home… his gift from his father came in the mail, a
new computer monitor… and as he opens it up and attempts to plug it in to try
it out- BOOM the power goes out! We had a thunderstorm hit us, bringing down a
big tree a few blocks down from us. Basically, we spent the rest of the day
walking around our neighborhood, and then huddled over candles. Very romantic evening
and of course the power didn’t come back on until 11 pm.
Anyway, kind of off topic, but reliving bits and pieces of
last week is actually making me remember what I DID want to talk about in this
post as far as pregnancy.
My shingles are better I am happy to say. I haven’t been
taking the Percocets for several days already, which I am really glad about.
And the days before I would take them ONLY before bed and when I would wake up
in the morning, that’s it. Because the pain was still there and like clockwork
I would wake up at 4 or 5 am with horrible pain- the pain meds being completely
worn off. But luckily during the day I was able to handle it with just Tylenol.
Rash is almost gone, it itches a little in that one spot it initially began,
but other than that it’s better and pain is
very distant thing now, definitely not how it was, I am SO GLAD. I mean
it tortured me for 3 weeks… but I am so glad it is getting better now. Someone recommended
me to take B complex vitamins to help the nerves heal faster. I have been doing
that so maybe that helped speed things up.
Also now that I am nearing the last weeks of pregnancy I
started trying to prepare my body for labor… trying to stimulate labor
basically in all natural ways and forms.
Well, since I have been doing this for a week already I
guess I can really agree that all these natural methods won’t do crap unless
your body is ready. So for all those people frowning upon me starting this at
37 weeks- I am not trying to bring preterm labor (and at this point being full
term it won’t be preterm labor.)
But anyway… this is what I have been up to. I have been
doing a lot of research on this, as well as discussed this many people who know
their stuff as well. I started taking evening primrose oil at 35 weeks I
believe, I don’t remember if I mentioned that or not. This is taken orally as
well as inserted vaginally. They are small capsules that kinda look like fish
oil capsules. Anyway, this is said to help soften and dilate your cervix. It
also is said to help strengthen skin and nerves therefore can reduce your
chances of tearing during labor. Either way- it is benefiting me if it’s not helping
open up my cervix.
I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea. That can start
contractions. Pineapples have enzymes that can stimulate contractions as well.
I ate 2 pineapples in 2 days… nothing, LOL. I have also tried nipple stimulation
with my electric pump; also it was good for me to see how to use that thing. I
read the best way is to do each breast separately for 15 minutes alternating
for at least an hour. I have been walking, and going up and down the stairs and
doing squats. Also intimacy is supposed to help soften the cervix and bring
contractions. Acupressure points… the ones I have read about and tried are the
ones on your lower back, inner & outer ankle and the webbed area between
the thumb and index finger. I’ve been massaging those a lot too. I think that
pretty much sums it up. There are other things that have been recommended to me
like black and blue cohosh (still not sure what that is) and castor oil. But
for now I am just going to stick with these, and see. Regardless if it doesn’t
bring on labor before my due date maybe it will prepare my body at least and
make sure I don’t go passed it. I can hope, right?
I’ve also been having I THINK some contractions here and
there. The funniest thing is I’ve had them before I actively started doing any
of this stuff aside from the evening primrose oil.
I actually had 3 really intense pains one right after the day before we moved. And had a few during that night that I remember
waking up to but being able to fall asleep, as well as a couple more the
morning we moved and the night at our first apartment. Very weird.
I’ve also been feeling very crampy… as if I am getting my
period. As well as a lot of pressure down there giving off into my lady parts,
lower back and hips. My midwife said that is what labor should feel like? I
mean at this point nothing regular is really going on… so I am not getting too
excited… but starting to think maybe my body is slowly preparing and hopefully
the day to have baby is drawing closer.
A couple things I forgot to mention from the previous weeks.
Baby is moving alright… but he is also snapping. Call me crazy but other
mamas from a mommy group on facebook I
posted on have heard this too- so I am NOT crazy :) Like with certain movements
I legit hear a snapping/cracking noise within my belly. I’ve read up about this
apparently it literally could be baby’s bones just cracking with his movements.
That is SO bizarre. And has become such a usual thing now, so so weird!
Also, aside all my other issues the doctor’s have found me
GBS positive (the strep B test.) So, yet another thing added to my list of
health issues. I know they say it is no problem, they just give you antibiotics
during labor… just sucks that everything seems to be going wrong, and yet
another thing to worry about.
I think this pretty much sums it up, I won’t even try to
promise myself or anyone else to try to be on time with my 38th week
since I am 38 weeks tomorrow but I will
try my best. You would think with me not really working much anymore (since I
am in so much pain- to be discussed in my next update) I would have more time
to be on top of things. Nope.
I also want to do a post with the baby room and share our
recent ultrasound pictures too. My Youtube channel has been on hold because I
had some technical difficulties but that is being worked on right now and
hopefully I can start posting more videos on there too. Anyway, until next
time! Hopefully it will be sooner than later!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Belly Shot: 37 Weeks!
I'm on a roll today! 2 Posts in a day! And it's only Tuesday. :) Hopefully if I plan it out well I will get my weekly update in tomorrow as well, being only 2 days late as opposed to how I have been lately!
Anyway, 37 weeks! I am considered full term today! Woohoo! Getting very very impatient!!!
Don't mind my non existent butt again! LOL Trying to tell if belly has dropped a little or not? I am not even sure yet, all I know is I WANT BABY HERE ALREADY! Ahhh! :)
Anyway, 37 weeks! I am considered full term today! Woohoo! Getting very very impatient!!!
Baby Blanket Update: The Finished Product!
This is a very long overdue post! :)
Not only have I been procrastinating with simply finishing 1.5 sides of the blanket border for forever long, but when I finally did finish it I didn't even post it! I'm a loser.
Anyway, I think a week before we moved is when I decided to finish the 10 mins of crochet work left on the blanket that I have been putting off for about 2 months. I pushed myself to finish it because I did baby's laundry before we moved and wanted to wash the blanket with all the laundry.
So it is officially done, all nice and clean and dry smelling like baby detergent all ready to cuddle up and warm our little son for eternity.
I made it big for a reason. It can fold up and swaddle a baby the way it is but it can also be used when he gets better, which I love :)
Anyway, here it is!
Not only have I been procrastinating with simply finishing 1.5 sides of the blanket border for forever long, but when I finally did finish it I didn't even post it! I'm a loser.
Anyway, I think a week before we moved is when I decided to finish the 10 mins of crochet work left on the blanket that I have been putting off for about 2 months. I pushed myself to finish it because I did baby's laundry before we moved and wanted to wash the blanket with all the laundry.
So it is officially done, all nice and clean and dry smelling like baby detergent all ready to cuddle up and warm our little son for eternity.
I made it big for a reason. It can fold up and swaddle a baby the way it is but it can also be used when he gets better, which I love :)
Anyway, here it is!
This is the blanket folded in half on the changing table.
& this is just a closer look at the border :)
I will have to make a separate post one of these days with pics of the baby room. Now that we are officially moved in, things are falling into place and the baby room looks like a baby room :)
Anyway, here is the blanket I've been working on since we found out it was a boy! I am so excited to be done with it and to have our baby boy eternally put this thing to use now :)